生活与工作 Life work

出版时间:2005-8  出版社:Thomas Nelson Inc  作者:Maxwell, John C./ Graves, Stephen R./ Addington, Thomas G.  页数:242  


People of faith need to be comfortable and intentional in two worlds-the world of the kingdom and the world of the commercial-blending and balancing their roles in each. Authors John C. Maxwell, Stephen Graves, and Thomas Addington identify the basic tools followers of Jesus should always have in their work toolbox: Calling, Serving, Character, and Skill.


The Life Work Test  1. Reforging Our Fragmented Life@Work  2. Working in ParadiseSection One: SKILL@WORK  3. Skill Is Important to God  4. God Is Important to Skill  5. Discovering Your GreatnessSection Two: CALLING@WORK  6. Called by Whom, and for What?  7. Called by Name  8. Called by Desire  9. Called by a Path  10. Which Calling Plan Am I On?Section Three: SERVING@WORK  11. Serving Nine to Five  12. It's Not About Me  13. Everyday SamaritanSection Four: CHARACTER@WORK  14. The Art of Etching Character  15. No Overnight Delivery on Character  16. Constructing a Moral WarehouseConclusion: The Church@WorkNotesAbout the Authors



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