临床实验室学 Clinical Laboratory Medicine

出版时间:2001-8  出版社:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins  作者:Kenneth D McClatchey  页数:272  


This companion study guide to Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Second Edition is an excellent review for in-service exams, boards, and certification exams. It contains more than 2,500 questions and answers based on the content of the text. The study guide follows the outline of the 11 sections of the text, and answers are keyed to the text. A Brandon-Hill recommended title.    Loyola Univ. Medical Center, Maywood, IL. Exam review for those preparing for in-service exams and resident boards. Contains more than 2,500 questions. Previous edition: c1997. Companion to the parent text, Clinical Laboratory Medicine, 2nd ed., c2001. Softcover. DNLM: Laboratory Techniques and Procedures--Examination Questions.


PrefaceSECTION Ⅰ: GENERAL LABORATORY  1 Laboratory Management  2 Management of the Clinical Laboratory  3 Laboratory Safety  4 The Interpretation of Laboratory Tests  S Laboratory Information Systems  6 Ethics in Laboratory MedicineSECTION Ⅱ: MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY  7 Introduction to Molecular Diagnostics  8 Molecular Biology of Inherited Diseases  9 Molecular Biology of Solid Tumors 10 Molecular Biology of Infectious Diseases 11 Clinical Applications of Molecular Biology of Hematopoietic DisordersSECTION Ⅲ: CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 12 Immunochemical Methods 13 Plasma Proteins 14 Diagnostic Enzymology and Other Biochemical Markers of Organ Damage 15 Lipids and Lipoproteins 16 Endocrine Function and Carbohydrate 17 Electrolytes and Acid-Base Balance 18 Respiration and Measurement of Oxygen and Hemoglobin  19 Nitrogen Metabolites and Renal Function 20 Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate 21 Heme Synthesis and Catabolism 22 Toxicology 23 Trace Elements, Vitamins, and Nutrition 24 Inborn Metabolic Errors 25 Point-of-Care Testing 26 Tumor MarkersSECTION Ⅳ: MEDICAL MICROSCOPY AND URINALYSIS 27 Synovial, Pleural, and Peritoneal Fluids 28 UrineSECTION Ⅴ: CYTOGENETICS 29 Basic Cytogenetics 30 Clinical Cytogenetics 31 Prenatal Cytogenetic Diagnosis 32 Cytogenetic Studies in Neoplastic Hematologic Disorders 33 The Chromosome-Breakage Syndromes: Clinical Features, Cytogenetics, and Molecular Genetics 34 Solid Tumor CytogeneticsSECTION Ⅵ: HLA TYPING 35 HLA: Structure, Function, and Methodologies 36 Molecular HLA Typing 37 HLA: The Major Histocompatability Complex: Applications 38 Bone Marrow Transplantation ⅦⅧ NEMATOLOGYⅨ COAGULATIONⅩ MICROBIOLOGYⅪ IMMUNOPATHOLOGY BLOOD BANK/TRANSFUSION MEDICINE



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