急诊成像Emergency Imaging

出版时间:1999-4  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Jeffrey, R.B.; Brant-Zawadzki, Michael; Leung, Ann N.; Ralls, Philip W.  页数:208  


...talks readers through the radiologic work-up of commonly-encountered clinical problems affecting the CNS, chest, abdomen, and pelvis...organized by symptom & offering advice from the experts...with over 200 images.


Preface  Acknowledgments  1 Head Trauma 2 Stroke 3 Fever and Neurologic Signs: Rule Out Central Nervous System Infection 4 Acute Myelopathy 5 Chest Trauma 6 Acute Chest Pain of Noncardiac Origin 7 Acute Shortness of Breath 8 Hemoptysis 9 Chest Imaging in the Intensive Care Unit 10 Blunt Abdominal Trauma 11 Right Upper Quadrant Pain: Rule Out Acute Cholecystitis 12 Right Lower Quandrant Pain: Rule Out Appendicitis 13 Left Lower Quadrant Pain: Rule Out Diverticulitis 14 Acute Abdominal Pain: Rule Out Pancreatitis 15 Crampy Abdominal Pain: Rule Out Small Bowel Obstruction 16 Fever, Abdominal Pain: Rule Out Abscess 17 Hypotension and Abdominal Pain: Rule Out Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 18 Acute Flank Pain: Rule Out Uretal Calculus 19 Acute Pelvic Pain and Positive [beta]-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: Rule Out Ectopic Pregnancy20 Severe Pelvic Pain: Rule Out Adnexal Torsion Subject Index



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