出版时间:2005-8  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Georges, Gregory  页数:229  


You already know digital photography basics.Now you'd like to go beyond the basics with shortcuts,fricks,and fips that let you work smarter and faster.And because you learn more easily when someone shows you how,this is the book for you.Inside,you'll find clear,illustrated instructions for 100 tasks that reveal cool secrets,teach time-saving fricks,and explain great tips guaranteed of make you a more productive digital photographer.


1.Get Ready to Take Photos 1 Select Good Photo Opportunities 2 Know Why You Are Taking Photos 3 Master Your Camera to Get Great Photos 4 Choose the Image File Format to Suit Your Needs 5 Set the Image Resolution and Compression Level 6 Control Your Camera’s Light Sensitivity with the ISO Setting 7 Improve Color with the White Balance Setting 8 Shoot for Digital Editing 9 Pack for a Successful and Enjoyable Shoot2.Choose Good Light 10 Pick Good Light for Better Photos 11 Shoot in Haze or Fog 12 Silhouette Your Subject 13 Learn When to Shoot with a Built-in Flash 14 Reveal Detail with a Fill Flash 15 Add a Catch Light to Your Subjects’ Eyes 16 Prevent Red Eye 17 Add Natural Light with a Reflector 18 Shoot Close-ups with a Macro Ring Light 19 Illuminate Portraits with Window Light 20 Take Advantage of the Golden Hour3.Control Exposure 21 Understanding Exposure to Get the Photos That You Want 22 Discover Different Exposure Modes 23 Choose an Appropriate Metering Mode 24 Using the Histogram to Get the Exposure That You Want 25 Improve Exposure with Exposure Compensation 26 Avoid Blown-out Highlights 27 Understanding Dynamic Range 28 Combine Two Photos to Get a Full Dynamic Range4.Control Focus and Depth of Field 29 Achieve Sharp Focus Using a Tripod 30 Control Focus with Focus Point Selection 31 Show Action Using a Slow Shutter Speed 32 Add Drama by Panning with the Subject 33 Control Focus Creatively with Manual Focus 34 Control Depth of Field 35 Create Cool Effects with Depth of Field 36 Understanding Focal Length 37 Control Perspective with Focal Length 38 Control Background with Focal Length and Aperture5.Take Better Photos 39 Assess Shooting Conditions 40 Consider the Possibilities 41 Compose for Maximum Effect 42 Shoot Photos Based on a Theme 43 Work to Develop Your Style 44 Shoot Details to Create Interest 45 Compose for Final Print Proportions 46 Learn to Shoot Better by Studying EXIF Data 47 Get Better Photos with Patience, Practice, and Effort6.Try Creative Photo Techniques 48 Focus Attention on Your Subject 49 Shoot Color for Dramatic Photos 50 Show Movement with a Neutral Density Filter 51 Control Reflection with a Polarizer 52 Shoot Photos for a Panorama 53 Shoot Photos with a “Wow!” Factor 54 Shoot Scenes with Low Contrast 55 Shoot When Seasons Change 56 Shoot Patterns and Shapes 57 Shoot with a Plan to Edit Digitally 58 Experiment to Create Unique Photos 59 Shoot in Low Light for Rich Colors7.Edit Images with Adobe Photoshop Elements 60 Learn the Best Editing Sequence 61 Convert RAW Files with Adobe Camera RAW 62 Process a Batch of Photos 63 Using the Clone Stamp Tool to Remove Unwanted Elements 64 Edit a Selected Area 65 Keep Track of Your Edits 66 Using Adjustment Layers to Gain Editing Flexibility 67 Create a Panorama 68 Hand-Color Black-and-White Photos 69 Protect and Preserve Original Photo Files 70 Resize a Batch of Digital Photos 71 Edit Photos for Use on the Web8.Adjust Tonal Range and Correct Color with Photoshop Elements 72 Check Exposure with the Histogram 73 Check for Color Casts with the Info Palette 74 Fix Under- and Overexposed Photos 75 Understanding Contrast 76 Improve Image Contrast by Setting Black and White Points 77 Improve Image Contrast with a Levels Layer 78 Reveal Highlight Detail with the Shadows/Highlights Command 79 Reveal Shadow Detail with the Shadows/Highlights Command 80 Lighten or Darken a Selected Portion of an Image 81 Remove a Color Cast with the Color Cast Command 82 Adjust Color with a Hue/Saturation Layer9.Make Photographic Prints 83 Understanding Color Management 84 Crop a Photo to a Specified Size 85 Make a Large Print 86 Sharpen a Digital Image 87 Precisely Position Photos on a Page 88 Print Multiple Photos on a Page 89 Order Prints Online 90 Create and Order a Photo Book Online10.Complete Digital Photo Projects 91 Organize Your Digital Photos 92 Share Digital Photos with AOL Instant Messenger 93 Archive Your Digital Photo Collection to a DVD 94 Create a PDF Slideshow 95 Create a Digital Photo Album 96 Create a Web Photo Gallery 97 Create a Video Slideshow 98 Create a Photo Calendar 99 Create a Photo Greeting Card 100 Create a Photomontage



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