SQL Server 2005编程入门(英文原版进口)

出版时间:2006-02-10  出版社:John Wiley*  作者:VIEIRA  页数:688  


This comprehensive introduction to SQL Server 2005 programming serves as a useful guide for the novice as well the advanced SQL Server user.With the extensive redesign of SQL Server for the 2005 release, it proves itself to be a solid review and reference book intended to be useful well beyond your days as a beginning programmer.    Covering all the fundamentals of SQL Server 2005, this developer-oriented guide begins with an exploration of the foundation objects of SQL. Each chapter builds on the previous one, gradually progressing to increasingly advanced topics. By the time you've completed this book, you will be prepared to perform as an efficient SQL Server 2005 programmer, and, when ready, move on to the more advanced Professional title.作者简介:    Robert Vieira is one of the leading authorities on Microsoft SQL Server and author of the bestselling title from Wrox Press, Professional SQL Server 2000 Programming, with nearly 40,000 copies in print.  Vieira is currently a Software Architect for NetIQ Corporation in Portland, OR, where he performs design work and coaches other developers. He speaks frequently at both public and private conferences nationally, and is perhaps best known for his light-hearted approach to teaching and writing.


AcknowledgmentsIntroductionChapter 1: RDBMS Basics: What Makes Up a SQL Server Database?  An Overview of Database Objects    The Database Object    The Transaction Log    The Most Basic Database Object: Table    Filegroups    Diagrams    Views    Stored Procedures    User-Defined Functions    Users and Roles    Rules    Defaults    User-Defined Data Types    Full-Text Catalogs  SQL Server Data Types    NULL Data  SQL Server Identifiers for Objects    What Gets Named?    Rules for Naming  SummaryChapter 2: Tools of the Trade  Books Online  The SQL Server Configuration Manager    Service Management    Network Configuration    The Protocols    On to the Client  The SQL Server Management Studio    Getting Started    Query Window  SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)  Bulk Copy Program (bcp)    SQL Server Profiler  sqlcmd  SummaryChapter 3: The Foundation Statements of T-SQL  Getting Started with a Basic SELECT Statement    The SELECT Statement and FROM Clause    The WHERE Clause    ORDER BY    Aggregating Data Using the GROUP BY Clause    Placing Conditions on Groups with the HAVING Clause    Outputting XML Using the FOR XML Clause    Making Use of Hints Using the OPTION Clause    The DISTINCT and ALL Predicates  Adding Data with the INSERT Statement    The INSERT INTO... SELECT Statement  Changing What You've Got with the UPDATE Statement  The DELETE Statement  Summary  ExercisesChapter 4: JOINs  JOINs  INNER JOINs    How an INNER JOIN Is Like a WHERE Clause  OUTER JOINs    The Simple OUTER JOIN    Dealing with More Complex OUTER JOINs  Seeing Both Sides with FULL JOINs  CROSS JOINs  Exploring Alternative Syntax for Joins    An Alternative INNER JOIN    An Alternative OUTER JOIN    An Alternative CROSS JOIN  ……Chapter 5: Creating and Altering TablesChapter 6: ConstraintsChapter 7: Adding More to Our QueriesChapter 8: Being Normal: Normalization and Other Basic Design IssuesChapter 9: SQL Server Storage and Index StructuresChapter 10: ViewsChapter 11: Writing Scripts and BatchesChapter 12: Stored ProceduresChapter 13: User Defined FunctionsChapter 14: Transactions and LocksChapter 15: TriggersChapter 16: A Brief XML PrimerChapter 17: Reporting for Duty, Sir!: A Look At Reporting ServicesChapter 18: Getting Integrated With Integration ServicesChapter 19: Playing AdministratorAppendix A: Exercise SolutionsAppendix B: System FunctionsAppendix C: Finding the Right ToolAppendix D: Very Simple Connectivity ExamplesAppendix E: Installing and Using the SamplesIndex



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