出版时间:2005-3  出版社:John Wiley & Sons (2005年3月11日)  作者:Frederic H. Jones  页数:210  


Change a Photo to a Colored Pencil Drawing    1.  With an image open in Adobe Photoshop Elements, choose Filter Artistic Colored Pencil. The Colored Pencil dialog box opens,as shown in Figure 10-5.    2.  Experiment until you achieve the desired effect in the sample window. The options are...    3.  Click OK to apply the effect to the photo, as shown in Figure 10-6.    Using artistic effects is a wonderful way to create paintings and drawings, even if you are not a graphic artist.In addition to the digital effects, the choice of paper and printing technique you use can add quality to the finished


IntroductionPart Ⅰ: Acquiring Digital Photos  Chapter 1: Selecting a Camera and Accessories     Choose a Camera Form Factor     Choose Camera Resolution     Evaluate Lens Features     Evaluate Picture Storage Solutions     Evaluate Zoom Lenses     Choose a Tripod     Evaluate Camera Power Solutions     Evaluate Supported Output Formats     Review Image Statistics     Evaluate Camera Functions     Evaluate Image Transfer Solutions     Evaluate Supported Camera Technologies     Choose Flash Features     Choose Other Features     Choose Other Accessories  Chapter 2: Setting Up and Using the Camera     Set Up Your Camera     Point and Shoot in Auto Mode     Zoom In on an Object     Adjust Brightness in Program Mode     Snap a Portrait Using Automatic Settings     Stop Action Using Automatic Settings     Lengten Depth of Field      Use Shutter Priority Mode     Reduce Battery Usage     Use a Tripod     Use a Flash Attachment     Use Attachment Lenses  Chapter 3: Snapping Digital Pictures     Compose Your Photograph     Frame a Stationary Subject     Focus the Camera     Move the Subject Out of the Center     with Focus Lock     Shoot in Poor Illumination     Shoot a Portrait Indoors     Shoot a Portrait Outdoors     Snap a Landscape Picture     Photograph Pets and Animals     Shoot Scenic Nature  Chapter 4: Viewing and Transferring Images     Review and Delete Pictures in Your Camera     Connect Your Camera or Card Reader     to a Computer     Install Camera or Card Reader Drivers     Transfer Digital Images to a Computer     Delete Camera Images from Windows     Rename Photos     View and Manage Photos  Chapter 5: Digitizing Existing Pictures     Scan a Photo Using Windows Scanner Wizard     Scan a Photo Using HP Photo     and Imaging Director     Scan a Slide     Scan a Negative     Use the Scanner Resize Option     Use the Scanner Lighten/Darken Option     Use the Scanner Sharpen Option      Use the Scanner Color Adjustment OptionPart Ⅱ: Editing and Enhancing Digital Photos.   Chapter 6: Manipulating Image Attributes.   Chapter 7: Fixing Common Image Problems.   Chapter 8: Repairing Digital Images.   Chapter 9: Adding Photo Editor Special Effects.   Chapter 10: Adding Photoshop Elements Effects.   Chapter 11: Using Layers. Part Ⅲ: Keeping and Sharing Your Photos.   Chapter 12: Choosing and Using a Printer.   Chapter 13: Organizing and Sharing Photos. Part Ⅳ: Special Projects.   Chapter 14: Taking Close-Up Photos for eBay.   Chapter 15: Restoring Old Photos.   Chapter 16: Documenting Your Travels.   Chapter 17: Creative Mini-Projects. Index.





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