Tupag the Dreamer惊醒梦中人

出版时间:2001-4  作者:Kerry Hannula Brown  


PreS-Gr 3-In a mythic long ago when the only season is dark and cold, Tupag is ridiculed for his dream that there would be moonlight "warm as firelight." Labeled as lazy, he is banished from his ocean-side village for his refusal to help look for berries or hunt whale, walrus, or fish. In his exile, he encounters Raven, creator of the world. He agrees that Tupag is lazy, but has appreciated his dreams, so he grants him one wish. According to Brown, "All his years of dreaming had made him a wise thinker, and so he made the wisest choice." Tupag returns home and shows the villagers a brilliant aurora, Raven's sign of a season of light to come. The protagonist is honored as a storyteller, and gradually a new season of light appears. Life becomes easier, but it is acknowledged that winter has its place as well. Luminous pastels picture a darkened igloo-dwelling northern village that awakens to an orange-gold sun. Saport's economy of style contrasts with the somewhat labored text. The story, an imaginative rather than cultural pourquoi tale, is credited to the idea of Russian-Alaskan artist Sasha Sagan.-Sue Sherif, Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Library, AK




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