Maximum Ride骑士

出版时间:2007-1  作者:James Patterson  


The second exhilarating novel in bestselling novelist James Patterson's first teen series. 
It’s 24 hours since Max Ride and her fellow bird-kids escaped the New York Institute, and they’re still on the run. But the six companions – 98% human, 2% bird – came away with some vital information. If they can decode the garbled words and numbers, perhaps they'll find out where their parents are. There’s a lot of trouble ahead for Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, the Gasman and Angel – not to mention Total, the talking dog. Their enemies, the fearsome Erasers, have acquired a new skill – they too can now fly. After an air-battle, Fang ends up in hospital. The FBI track down the flock, who’vebecome more visible than they ever wanted to be. They even end up going to school!But that doesn't quite fit in with searching for parents, or with what the insistent Voice in Max's head keeps reminding her - that her mission is ‘to save the world’.



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