出版时间:2007-11  出版社:Kingfisher  作者:Richard Walker  页数:63  


Richard Walker provides a compelling historical view ...Young scientists who wish to discover everything from the development of polio in ancient Egypt to the Black Plague and its spread through Europe during the 1300s to modern epidemics like AIDS and West Nile virus will enjoy exploring Epidemics and Plagues, which is a wonderful addition to this exciting scientific series.   Children will be intrigued by the causes of deadly epidemics from the Black Death of medieval Europe to the devastating AIDS epidemic and, more importantly, will learn what can done to stop them from spreading.  作者简介:  Richard Walker is an award-winning author of books about natural history and human biology for both children and adults, including Kingfisher Knowledge: Microscopic Life. He has a Ph.D. in zoology. As a former biology teacher he has a practical understanding of the importance of accessible reference materials.  Denise Grady has been a science reporter for The New York Times since 1998 and has written more than five hundred articles about medicine and biology. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including a commendation from the Newspaper Guild for Choice and Excellence of Crusading Journalistic Contributions in the Areas of Science and Medicine. She lives in Westchester, New York.


ForewordCHAPTER1 DEATH AND DISEASES  First epidemics  Powerful pathogens  Person to person  Body defenses  Disease detectives  Childhood diseases  Bad eating  Famines and blights  SummaryCHAPTER2 PLAGUSES AND PESTILENCES  The Black Death  Medieval sicknesses  The great pox  Vulnerable to attacks  The plague in London  SummaryCAHPTER3 OLD AND NEWGlossaryIndexAcknowledgments




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