Asterix and Cleopatra 高卢英雄和克里奥特佩拉

出版时间:2004-9  出版社:Orion  作者:Rene Goscinny  页数:48  译者:Bell, Anthea  


To impress Julius Caesar, Queen Cleopatra promises to build the Roman Emperor a magnificent palace in just three months. Of course, Asterix has to get involved. By the time his feisty group from Gaul have finished, they’ve outwitted the Roman army, too.


Rene Goscinny was born in Paris in 1926, and spent most of his childhood in Argentina, before eventually moving to Paris in 1951. He died in 1977. Albert Uderzo was born in 1927 in a small village in Marne, France. He met Rene Goscinny in 1951 and on 29 O


Set in 50 b.c., these hysterical historical tales follow the adventures of Asterix and his pals in the days of the Roman Empire. To impress Julius Caesar, Queen Cleopatra promises to build the Roman Emperor a magnificent palace in just three months. Of course, Asterix has to get involved. By the time his feisty group from Gaul have finished, they've outwitted the Roman army, too.




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