3-5岁儿童数字游戏 Play and learn Numbers for 3-5years

出版时间:2001-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:本社 编  


This activity book is designed for children aged .3- 5years. Pages o-f-fun with illustrations to colour,number puzzles and a host of other educationalactivities. Introduce your child to numbers withthese lively illustrated books.  There are three other books to collect in the seriesPlag and Learn with Words .for 3-5 gearsPlag and Learn with Numbers .for 3-5 gearsPlag and Learn with Words for 5-7 gears



    3-5岁儿童数字游戏 Play and learn Numbers for 3-5years PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计1条)


  •   不错内容生动活泼,三岁的儿子很喜欢做里面的数字游戏.已经做完一本,有买啦一本在用

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