白玉老虎Jade Tiger

出版时间:1996-5  作者:Craig Thomas  


THE DRAGON, THE BEAR AND THE TIGER For espionage veteran Kenneth Aubrey the world is suddenly full of clues that don't match up. A Chinese defector hauled from Hong Kong harbour trading asylum for the communist mandarins' betrayal. The nerve-cracking interrogation, smoking out the truth from a network of disinformation. Aubrey is in a hall of mirrors with doors leading back 40 years to the time when Aubrey was the prisoner of the traitor he is hunting to his lair. In six months Aubrey could crack the defector. But he doesn't have months, he has weeks. Two weeks before the Berlin Wall is bulldozed into history. Two weeks to break the three-cornered death game between China, Russia and the West. Two weeks to fight the dragon and the bear with the West's most crucial mission, Jade Tiger.



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