The New Pregnancy and Childbirth Choices and Challenges 怀孕、分娩及其他

出版时间:2008-8  作者:Kitzinger, Sheila  页数:448  


A classic for all new parents, this book inspires, informs and reassures. From conception through to birth, Sheila Kitzinger describes what to expect and prepares parents-to-be for the physical changes ahead. This title now includes information on Caesarean births, the birthing sling, sex during pregnancy, and nutrition. It encourages expectant parents to be actively involved in decisions about their antenatal care and birth method.


Pregnancy - the early weeks: finding out you are pregnantplanning and preparation. Pregnancy - physical and emotional challenges: life in the uterusforty weeks of lifeexpecting twinsyour baby's wellbeingyour physical wellbeingemotional challenges in pregnancybecoming a fatheryou and your partnerpregnant again. Pregnancy - thinking ahead to birth: in tune with your body for labourwindows into the uterusthe last few weeks. The experience of birth: what happens in labourdifferent kinds of labourgiving support in labourdealing with paintowards the medical control of birthgentle birth. You and your newborn: the first hours of lifethe baby who needs special carelosing a babythe first ten daysthe challenge of new parenthood.



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