Baby Animals 触摸书

出版时间:1999-8  出版社:Penguin  作者:DK  


  What does a baby elephant's skin feel like? This touch and
feel novelty book for the very young allows the child to explore
the different textures of the cutest baby animals. One of a series
of "Touch and Feel" books, "Baby Animals" features full-colour
photographs of a range of animals accompanied by tactile patches to
encourage the child to feel explore and touch all their different
textures. Tough and sturdy for little hands to hold the simple text
and bright pictures make the books ideal for a parent and child to



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用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   宝宝很喜欢触摸,几天就知道了兔子、大象的皮毛感觉
  •   书的个头有点小呵呵,还好吧,给小孩看的
  •   就几个动物,很少,而且都是毛皮类的,没有鸟类,全部人造毛,人造革。宝宝倒是愿意摸摸看的。只是海外书价太高
  •   女儿十分喜欢,每天看几次,每次都看十分钟左右。
  •   就一本几页的书,手感还可以

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