
出版时间:2001-4  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Dianne Garland  页数:165  


Examines the use of hydrotherapy in hospital and at home in line with current evidence-based practice * Explores the practical issues of setting up a water birthing facility both at home and in a hospital environment *Explains issues of maternal and newborn physiology *Discusses practical aspects of care during and after use of a birthing pool * A new chapter on Midwifery education explains how to comply with the requirements for PREP


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSNTRODUCTIONCHAPTER ONE Midwives' accountability and responsibilityCHAPTER TWO Pioneering hydrotherapistsCHAPTER THREE One unit's experience of waterbirthCHAPTER FOUR International perspectives on waterbirthCHAPTER FIVE Setting up a waterbirthing facilityCHAPTER SIX Positive health aspects of hydrotherapyCHAPTER SEVEN Maternal perspective on using water in labour and deliveryCHAPTER EIGHT Fetal and newborn perspectiveCHAPTER NINE Research issues for midwives using water in practiceCHAPTER TEN What if...?CHAPTER ELEVEN Midwives' educationCHAPTER I"WELVE The final wordGLOSSARYREFERENCESRECOMMENDED FURTHER READINGAPPENDICES  Ⅰ Maternal-fetal interdependency  Ⅱ Hyperthermia  Ⅲ Waterbirth parents evening - suggested format  Ⅳ: Home waterbirth follow-up letter  Ⅴ: Guidelines for protecting your back  Ⅵ Useful addresses  Ⅶ: Waterbirths worldwideINDEX



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