出版时间:2003-6 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div 作者:Bersten, Andrew D./ Oh, Teik/ Soni, Neil 页数:1175
In the 5th Edition of this important text, practical, concise information on intensive care is presented in a clear and accessible style. The text covers a broad spectrum of intensive care medicine with enough detail to eliminate the need to refer to a larger reference book. This thoroughly revised and updated edition reflects the best and most current practices from leading international centres. Presents completely redrawn illustrations for increased understanding, consistency and accessibility. Offers practical, concise information on all aspects of intensive care, presented in a clear and accessible style. The fully updated contents reflect best practice from leading international centers. This is a working textbook that covers the broad spectrum of intensive care medicine, providing sufficient detail on each topic, without the need to refer to large reference books. Provides a new section on Shock with 5 new chapters: Shock - an overview, Haemodynamic monitoring, Monitoring Oxygenation, Lactic Acidosis, Multiple Organ Dysfunction. Offers 13 new chapters: Ethics in Intensive Care, Common problems after ICU, Clinical Information Systems, Imaging the Chest, Non-Invasive Ventilation, Abdominal Surgical Problems, Pre-existing Disease in Pregnancy, Tropical Diseases, Blast Injury, Gun Shot Wounds & Stabbing, Biological Warfare, Vasopressors & Inotopes, Vasodilators, Paediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
ContributorsForewordPreface to fourth editionPreface to fifth editionAcknowledgementsPART ONE-ORGANISATION ASPECTS 1 Design & organisation of intensive care units TEOh 2 Assessment of severity and outcome of critical illness M Palazzo 3 Transport of the critically ill E Everest and B Munford 4 Physiotherapy in intensive care J G RislO, and M 0 lorles 5 Critical care nursing J R Welch and C Theakcr 6 Ethics in intensive care TE Oh 7 Common problems after ICU C S Waldmann 8 Clinical information systems D FraenkelPART Two-SHOCK 9 Shock: an overview A McLuckie 10 Haemodynamic monitoring T J Movgan 11 Honitoring oxygenation TJ Morgan and B Venkatesh 12 Lactic acidosis D J Cooper 13 Multiple organ dysfunction J McKinlay and D BihariPART THREE-ACUTE CORONARY CARE 14 Acute myocardial infaction B Powcr 15 Adult cardiopulonary resuscitation R P Lee and P Morlev 16 Management of cardiac arrhythmias A Holt 17 Cardiac pacing and implantable cardioverter defibrillators K D Donovan and B Hockings 18 Acute heart failure D 7)'cachet 19 Valvular & congenital heart disease J E Sanderson 20 Intensive care after cardiac surgery R Raper 21 Echocardiography in intensive care K D Donovan and F B ColreavyPART FOUR-RESPIRATORY FAILURE 22 Oxygen therapy T E Oh 23 Airway management and acute upper airway obstruction G MJoynt 24 Acute respiratory failure in chronic obstructive pul disease M T Naughton and 1) V Tuxen 25 Hechanical ventilation A D Berstcn 26 Humidification and inhalation therapy A D Bersten 27 Acute respiratory distress syndrome A D Berstcn 28 Respiratory monitoring A D Bcrstcn ……PART FIVE-GASTROENTEROLOGICAL EMERGENCIESPART SIX-ACUTE FAILUERPART SEVEN-NEUROLOGIC DISORDERSPART EIGHT-ENDOCRINE DISORDERSPART NINE-OBSTETRIC EMERGENCIESPART TEN-INFECTIONS AND IMMUNE DISORERSPART ELEVEN-SEVERE AND MULTIPLE TRAUMAPART TWELVE-ENVIRONMENTAL INJURIESPART THIRTEEN-PHARMACOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONSPART FOURTEEN-METABOLIC HOMEOSTASISPART FIFTEEN-HAEMATOLOGICAL MANAGEMENTPART SIXTEEN-TRANSPLANTSPART SEVENTEEN-PAEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE