X'mas around the World 圣诞节降临世界

出版社:USBORNE EXPORT  作者:Lesley Sims 著  页数:47  


Enjog the magical traditions of Christmas all around the wortd~nd find out whg we send cards and put up decorations.    There S a receipe for Christmas cookies to hang on gour tree too.    Christmas around the world is i n Series 0Re of Usborne Young Reading,which combines good stories with easg readincj text.    Developed in consultation with Alison Ketlg,Senior Lecturer at Roehampton Universitg,Series 0Re iS for readers who have iust started reading alone. For readers who are growing in confidence,trg the exciting stories in Series Two.


Chapter 1  Christmas timeChapter 2  Deck the hallsChapter 3  Piles of presentsChapter 4  Food and funChristmas cookies to make



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