Stories of Ponies 马驹的故事

出版时间:2005-8  作者:Rosie Dickins 著  页数:48  


Three very different ponies canter through these pages: a pony that's scared of loud noises,a Pony that's always making mischief, and a swwet-natured little Shetland Pony. Add three determined riders, Molly, Becky and Sally, and exciting adventures are bound to follow...    Stories of Ponies is in Series One of Usborne Young Reading, which combines good stories with easy reading text. Developed in consulation with Alison Kelly, Senior Lecturer at Roehampton University, Seies One is for readers who have just started reading alone. For readers who are growing in confidence, try the exciting stories in Series Two.


Chapter 1 Pony magicCahpter 2 The naughtiest ponyChapter 3 The littlest pony



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