The Canterville Ghost 古堡守护灵

出版时间:2007-3  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Doherty, Gillian  页数:64  


The Contervitte Ghost is not amused when the Otis family move into his castle, but he's pretty sure he con get rid of them. His rotting eyeboU routine and headless hauntings hove never foiled before. But the Otis family ore mode of sterner stuff and ore just as determined to get rid of the Contervitte Ghost himself.    The Cantervitle Ghost is in Series Two of Usborne Young Reading books, which combine good stories with easy reading text. Developed in consultation with Alison Kelly, Senior Lecturer at the University of Surrey Roehampton, Series Two is for readers who are growing in confidence. For readers who have just started reading atone, trU the exciting stories in Series One.


Chapter 1 Cantervitte CastteChapter 2 Clanking chainsChapter 3 The ghost's revengeChapter 4 Sir Simon is upsetChapter 5 The secret chamberChapter 6 Peace at last



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