Stories of Princes * Princess 公主与王子的故事

出版时间:2003-4  作者:Rawson, Christopher  页数:48  


Princes ond princesses go together like seo ond sand.But whot if you're the world's clumsiest prince? Or the smelliest? Or you're o princess who doesn't wont to get married? Then things get a little tricky.    Princes & Princesses is in Series One of Usborne Young Reading books, which combine good stories with easy reading text. Developed in consultation with Alison Kelly, Senior Lecturer at the University of Surrey Roehampton, Series One is for readers who have just started reading a|one.    For readers who are growing in confidence, try the exciting stories in Series Two.


Chapter 1:The clumsy princeChapter 2:The princess who wouldn't get marriedChapter 3:The princess and the pig boyChapter 4:The smelly prince



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