民事诉讼联邦规则,2006法令增补本Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 2006 Statutory Supplement

出版时间:2006-06  出版社:Aspen Publishers  作者:Stephen C. Yeazell,David G. Price,Dallas P. Price  页数:445  


PrefaceNote on the Federal Rules of Civil ProcedureTable of CasesPART Ⅰ:  RULES AND STATUTES Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for the United States District Courts Appendix of Forms Supplemental Rules for Certain Admiralty and Maritime Claims Selected Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure The Constitution of the United States Selected Provisions from United States Code, Title 28: Judiciary and Judicial ProcedurePART Ⅱ:  SUPPLEMENTARY CASES, NOTES, AND OTHER MATERIALS  Ⅱ.Personal Jurisdiction   B.The Modern Constitutional Formulation of Power      2. Absorbing In Rein Jurisdiction      3. Specific Jurisdiction: The Modern Cases      4. General Jurisdiction  Ⅲ. Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts    B. Diversity Jurisdiction      Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Allapattah Services, Inc.      Notes and Problems    E. Removal     Grupo Dataflux v. Atlas Global Group, L.P.      Notes and Problems  Ⅴ. Incentives to Litigate    A. Litigation in the United States at the Start of the 21st Century      1. How Much Litigation?  Ⅵ. Pleading    A.The Story of Pleading      3.Ethical Limitations      4.Special Claims: Requiring and Forbidding Specificity in Pleading Ⅶ.Discovery    C.Surveying Discovery: Procedures and Methods      1. Required Disclosures      6. E-Discovery        Notes and Problems        Notes and Problems Ⅷ.Resolution Without Trial    A.The Pressure to Choose Adjudication or an Alternative      1.Default and Default Judgments  Ⅸ.Identifying the Trier    B.Judge or Jury: The Right to Civil Jury Trial      3.Applying the Historical Test to New Procedures    4.The Jury's Integrity: Size, Rules of Decision, and the Reexamination Clause Ⅻ.Respect for Judgments   A.Claim Preclusion ⅩⅢ.Joinder    B.Joinder of Parties      4.Compulsory Joinder    E.Class Actions      2.Statutory Requirements      3.The Class Action and the Constitution      4.The Class Action and the Federal Courts      Notes and Problems  ……



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