
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:Aspen Pub  作者:Massey, Calvin  页数:117  


Aspen Publishers, headquartered in New York City, is a leading information provider for attorneys, business professionals, and law students. Written by preeminent authorities, our products consist of analytical and practical inform-ation covering both U.S. and international topics. We publish in the full range of formats, including updated manuals, books, periodicals, CDs, and onlineproducts.    Our proprietary content is complemented by 2,500 legal databases, containing over 11 million documents, available through our Loislaw division. Aspen Publishers also offers a wide range of topical legal and business databases linked to Loislaw's primary material. Our mission is to provide accurate, timely, and authoritative content in easily accessible formats, supported by unmatched customer care.


Table of Cases    Chapter 2:  Doctrines Limiting the Scope of Judicial Review  C. Justiciability: The Proper Role of the Federal Courts    2. Standing to Sue      a. The Constitutional Core of Standing  D. The Eleventh Amendment    1. Hans v. Louisiana and the Current DoctrineChapter 3:  The Limits of Federal Legislative Power: Judicially or Politically Enforceable Federalism?  A. Implementing Enumerated Powers and "Default" Rules    1. Implementing Enumerated Powers: The "Necessary       and Proper Clause"  B. Commerce    2. The Historical Development of Commerce Clause       Doctrine        c. From the New Deal to Lopez    Gonzales v. Raich    Notes and Problems    3. Limits Imposed by Principles of State Autonomy        b. Procedural Immunity        -.  D. SpendingChapter 4:  Limiting the Scope of State Power over Interstate Commerce  A. The Dormant Commerce Clause    2. Discrimination Against Interstate Commerce   ,    Note: Intentional Discrimination and the    Twenty-First Amendment    3. Neutral Burdens on Interstate CommerceChapter 5:  Separation of Powers  B. Executive Action    2. In Foreign Affairs  Chapter 6:  Due Process A. Procedural Due Process   1. Defining the Interests Protected by Due Process      a. Property      b. Liberty         Notes from the Prison Underground: Liberty         Interests of Prison Inmates   2. Determining the Process That Is Due B. Substantive Due Process   3. The Modern Revival: "Privacy" Rights      d. The Right to Die      e. Consensual Sexual ChoicesChapter 7:  Economic Rights: The Takings and Contracts Clauses  A. The Takings Clause    1. The Public Use Requirement    Kelo v. City of New London    Note and Problem    2. Regulatory Takings: When Does Regulation Become a       Taking?        c. The Balancing Approach    Note: The Scope of the Balancing Approach:    Further ClarificationChapter 8:  Equal Protection  C. Strict Scrutiny and Suspect Classifications: Race and Ethnicity   2. Purposeful Discrimination Required   4. Affirmative Action      c. Race and Admissions to Public Universities         Note: The Primacy of Strict Scrutiny of         Racial Classifications F. Fundamental Rights: Strict Scrutiny Redux   3. Voting: GerrymandersChapter 9:  Free Expression of Ideas  C. Content-Neutral Regulations of Speech    2. Symbolic Conduct……Chapter 10 The Religion ClausesChapter 11 State Action and the Power to Enforce Constitutional Rights




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