完全商法,2006法令增补本Comprehensive Commercial Law 2006 Statutory Supplement

出版时间:2006-1  出版社:Aspen Publishers  作者:Ronald J. Mann  页数:1310  


COMPREHENSIVE COMMERCIAL LAW, 2006 Statutory Supplement, concisely covers the most recent statutory developments and commentary for all areas of commercial law, including some commercial law documents (both public and private) from the international sphere. For added flexibility, the authors have included both the Revised and Current Article 1, and the Amended and Current Article 2.


ContentsPrefacePart I: The Uniform Commercial CodePart II: BankruptcyPart III: Other Federal Statutes and Related RegulationsPart IV: Uniform State Laws and RestatementsPart V: State Laws and Private RulesPart VI: Uniform International Laws and Rules



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