法律写作风格指南Guide to Legal Writing Style, 3E

出版时间:2004-12  出版社:Aspen Publishers  作者:Terri Leclercq 著  页数:121  


This popular paperback text gives you sensible advice on how to refine and enhance your writing. GUIDE TO LEGAL WRITING STYLE, Third Edition, can be used effectively alongside any basic legal writing coursebook.


Message to StudentsCHAPTER 1: ORGANIZING WITH STYLE  Organizing Your Research: Margin Outlines  Introduction: Thesis and Road Map  Using Headings as Signposts  Usefulness of Topic Sentences  Transitions  Concluding ExercisesCHAPTER 2: CREATING SENTENCES WITH STYLE  Long Sentences  Front-Loaded Sentences  Awkward Citation Placement  Treacherous Placement  Faulty Parallelism  Passive Voice  Lengthy Quotations  Concluding ExercisesCHAPTER 3: CHOOSING WORDS WITH STYLE  Jargon  Wordiness  Pronoun Antecedents  Noun Strings  Nominalizations  Treacherous Words  Gender-Based Language  Concluding ExercisesCHAPTER 4: PUNCTUATING WITH STYLE  Punctuating Sentences  Punctuating Words  Concluding ExercisesCHAPTER 5: FORMAI-I'ING FOR A VISUAL SOCIETY  Student Memorandum  Client Letter  Law Student Resume  Law Student Cover Letter  Judicial Opinion  Sexual Harassment Policy  Class-Action Publication Notice  Publication Paragraphs  Concluding ExerciseAPPENDIX:  ANSWERS TO "TRY THESE" AND CONCLUDING EXERCISESIndex




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