
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Pete Williams  页数:258  


Pete Williams has been r~rred to as Australia's Richard Branson.At just 21 years of age, Pete embarked on a highly poblicised and successful entrepreneurial venture -- to sell the Melbourne Cricket Ground -- in piecesl In How to turn your million-dollar idea into a reality, Pete passes on the techniques he used to sell the "G, including: ~ developing your Ides to reach a hungry marke  achieving maximum sales for minimal expense using publicityand leverage structuring your business to suit your lifestyle    * pricing your products and services for maximum salestapping into a worldwide market online    * using networking and team force to build your business. Readers will also gain access to a wealth of free material on Pete's website, Including discounts an his marketing seminars and products.


Introduction ixFrom imagination to1  idea conception  2  fearlessness 3  finding your million-dollar idea 4  standing out and making a name 5  setting goals for success 6  planning the journey 7  profitable systems 8  pricing for profit 9  the technical stuff 10 profitable publicity 11 effective marketing 12 influence factors 13 clicks and portals  14 back-end profits  15 networking 16 team force 17 barter profits 18 creative business 19 the ultimate business model Conclusion Index



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