
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons  作者:TRISH POWER,IAN MURDOCH,JAMIE NEWTSAS 著  页数:246  


comprehensive, no-nonsense guide to preparing for a comfortable retirement. Written specifically for Australians in their 40s, 50s and 60s, but relevant to anyone who has been putting off planning for retirement, this handbook contains valuable wealth-creating strategies for saving, investing, superannuation, tax and, most importantly, getting started.    Authors Trish Power, lan Murdoch and Jamie Nemtsas are experienced investors who also spend their working lives advising or educating Australians about money and investing.作者简介:    Trish Power LLB, BCom, DipArts (Prof Writ & Ed), is a financial journalist and long-time independent investor. She is the author of Superannuation for Dummies and Superannuation: Choosing a Fund for Dummies.


About the authors1 Investing is for everyone2 Getting started3 Avoiding the 15 biggest investment mistakes4 How much is enough?5 Your blueprint for successful investing6 Good risk, morewealth7 Building a foolproof portfolio8 lop 10 questions before investing9 Super bonanza for baby boomers10 Seven popular super strategies11 But l'm not'retiring'...12 Setting yourself up for life13 Less tax, more wealth14 Good advice15 Financial plan on a pageGlossaryIndex



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