
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:John Wiley & Sons  作者:Karina Barrymore  页数:277  


Property investment is the backbone of most presonal fortunes-you only have to look through any rich list to see how many people have built hteir fortunes through property.Smart imvestors find veal eshate one of the most rewarding types of investments-after all people will always need somewhere to live!


About the authors  1   The rewards of real estate  2   Your home--the cornerstone of investment  3   Assessing the returns  4   Gearing up for your first investment property  5   Where and what to buy  6   Setting your price and negotiating with the agent  7   How to finance your property deal  8   Doing the legals and insuring the property  9   The tax man will help you  10  Building a property portfolio  11  Renovating for profit  12  Holiday homes  13  Managing a rental property  14  When is it time to sell?  15  Alternative property assets  16  International property  Appendix--renting versus buying  Index



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