反思! 爱德华在澳大利亚 RETHINK

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons  页数:200  


Dr Edward de Bono, founder of lateral thinking, has changed the way countless Australians - young and old - think. Rethink explores how de Bono unique thinking tools and training courses have influenced Australian businesses, organisations, schools and communities. A passionate advocate for transformational change in education, the book also looks at de Bono influence on the Australian education system. Both biographical and instructive, Rethink shows de Bono's fondness for, and contribution to, Australia, where he has been a regular visitor since 1972. It also includes details on the work of the de Bono Institute, the Melbourne-based not-for-profit group that represents Edward de Bono in Australia. Rethink demonstrates how de Bono's tools and techniques can be used to:   * generate creativity, fresh new ideas and better solutions   * increase productivity   * encourage teamwork and dispute resolution   * improve effectiveness of meetings.


ForewordEdward de Bono at a glanceIntroductionPart h Edward de Bono in Australia 1 'It's called Australia'Part Ih Business 2 The business of thinking: keep it simple 3 Creativity: what the world (and your business) needs now 4 Innovation: what a good ideaPart III: Case studies 5 Connetics Australia: innovation means business 6 ANZ Institutional Banking: new thinking, new deals 7 Pfizer Australia: fresh ideas are just the medicine 8 KAZ Technology Services: communication's never been better 9 DesignCentric: the art of better thinking 10 FKA: new concepts steal the showPart IV: Education 11 A new take on education for life 12 Learning to make a difference 13 A framework for coping with changePart V: Community 14 Reaching out: towards a thinking communityIndex



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