
出版时间:2005-05-13  出版社:John Wiley*  作者:BEDFORD  页数:294  


Tired of hearing about the huge returns so many investors are reaping from the sharemarket? Eager to consistently achieve profits from your share trading?    In the new edition of this popular trading book, Louise Bedford becomes a trading coach as she shares more than twenty secrets she has discovered on the way to becoming a successful trader. Known for her witty and entertaining style, Louise has demystified the world of share trading for thousands of Australian investors and traders.    Trading Secrets includes fascinating insights into:    how to handle a windfall profit    entry and exit signals    psychological factors that affect trading performance    short selling, options and bear market strategies    setting stop losses and money management    why men and women trade differently.    Fully revised and updated, the book also introduces readers to the new trading product contracts for difference (CFDs), explains the foreign exchange (FX) market and expands on the psychological aspects of trading.    作者简介:Louise Bedford,(www.tradingsecrets.com.au) is one of Australia's most recognised traders and top share-trading educators. She has degrees in psychology and business from Monash University and is the author of the best-selling titles The Secret of Writing Options, The Secret of Candlestick Charting, and Charting Secrets. Louise will guide you towards finding the best strategies for your needs.


Preface IntroductionPart I-Business secrets  1.Analysis,then strategy  2.Trading is a business  3.Personal energy  4.Don't quit your job too sonnPart II-It takes all sorts  5.Men and women trade differently  6.Kids and trading   7.Find a hero  8.Self-awareness in the keyPart III-TTrading tools  9. Learn how to use different types of charts  10.Learn how to use indicators  11.Online action  12.Finetune your entry and exit signals  13.Sector analysisPart IV--Trade management secrets  14.Use stop losses to survive  15.Money management is essential  16.Pyramid for profits  17.Plan for a windfall profit  18.Measure your performancePart V--When the bulls run for cover  19.Make the bear your friend  20.Options multiply your results  21.New trading productsPart Vl-- Words of wisdom  22.Be careful who you listen to  23.Trading plans must be written down  24.Develop good habits  25.The real secretFurther readingGlossaryIndex



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