The Tale of Jemima Puddle Duck Sticker Storybook 彼得兔系列贴纸书

出版时间:2007-5  出版社:Penguin USA  作者:Potter, Beatrix  


  A favorite Potter character comes to life in this popular
sticker storybook format. Children will enjoy adding stickers to
the illustrations to complete the story of Jemima’s encounter with
the foxy-whiskered gentleman. Includes 3 pages of bright, fun
stickers and features the classic new look for Beatrix Potter on
the cover.


  Based on illustrations by Beatrix Potter (1866-1943). Her
passion for the natural world lay behind the creation of her famous
little books. A particular source of inspiration was the Lake
District where she lived for the last thirty years of her life as a
farmer and conservationist.



    The Tale of Jemima Puddle Duck Sticker Storybook 彼得兔系列贴纸书 PDF格式下载

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