Peter Rabbit Touch and Feel 彼得兔-触摸故事书

出版时间:2005-10  出版社:Penguin USA  作者:Potter, Beatrix  


This updated Peter Rabbit touch and feel book is packed with eleven different textures for little hands to explore. From a rough tortoise shell and crinkly lettuce leaves to the fluffy feathers of Jemima Puddle-duck’s chicks, every page features a different feel.With Beatrix Potter’s original illustrations and a simple text, this is a classic touch-and-feel book that toddlers are sure to love.


Illustrated by Beatrix Potter (1866-1943). Her passion for the natural world lay behind the creation of her famous little books. A particular source of inspiration was the Lake District where she lived for the last thirty years of her life as a farmer and



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