出版时间:2002-11 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div 作者:Williams, Robert Hardin (EDT)/ Larsen, P. Reed (EDT)/ Kronenberg, Henry M. (EDT)/ Melmed, Shlomo (EDT)/ Polonsky, Kenneth S. (EDT) 页数:1926
Product Description The state-of-the-art, tenth edition of endocrinology's classic text bridges the gap between basic science and endocrinology clinical practice. Thoroughly revised and updated, it includes new material on the thyroid and diabetes mellitus to reflect today's explosive increase in knowledge. Written by an outstanding team of authors, the 10th edition features numerous new authors who provide fresh perspectives. Presents a wealth of clinical information in a manageable size and format Contributors are at the forefronts of their disciplines Serves as a bridge between basic science and clinical endocrinology Diabetes mellitus and it complications has been greatly expanded and now includes 3 separate chapters. 4 new chapters Two new editors provide a fresh perspective on the material Figures have been added to the Diabetes Mellitus chapters Much of the art has been revised and includes new algorithms in many chapters Access to abstracts is available through Medline
Color Plates Follow Page 455SECTION ONEHORMONES AND HORMONE ACTION 1 Principles of Endocrinoloqv 2 The Endocrine Patient 3 Genetic Control of Peptide Hormone Formation 4 Mechanism of Action of Horm6nes That Act on Nuclear Receptors 5 Mechanism of Action of Hormones That Act at the Cell Su~'face 6 Laboratory Techniques for Recognition of Endocrine DisordersSECTION TWO HYPOTHALAMUS AND PITUITARY 7 Neuroendocrinology 8 Anterior Pituitary 9 Posterior Pituitary GlandSECTION THREE THYROID 10 Thyroid Physiology and Diagnostic Evaluation of Patients Weth Thyroid Disorders 11 Thyrotoxicosis……SECTION FOUR ADRENAL CORTEX AND ENDOCRINE HYPERTENSIONSECTION FIVE REPRODUCTIONSECTION SIX ENDOCRINOLOGY AND THE LIFE SQANSECTION SEVEN MINERAL METABOLISMSECTION EIGHT DISORDERS OF CARBOHYDRATE AND LIPIS METABOLISMSECTION NINE POLYENDOCRINE DISORDERSSECTION TEN PARAENDOCRINE AND NEOPLASTIC SYNDROMESINDEX