Gellis & Kagan最新儿科治疗

出版时间:2002-5  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Fredric D. Burg 等著  页数:1231  


The New Edition of this popular resource presents the most recent advances in the therapeutic care of infants, children, and adolescents in all areas of pediatrics (including medical therapy, surgery of all types, preventive medicine, adolescent gynecology, and behavioral issues). Readers will benefit from succinct essays on proper treatment for a wide of disorders, rationales to support suggested therapies, guidelines as to when not to treat a presenting symptom, and the associated risks and complications of therapy.


1 Nutrition 2 Fluid and Electrolytes 3 Infectious Diseases 4 Special Problems in the Infant and Neonate 5 Mental Development and Behavioral Disorders 6 Nervous System 7 Respiratory Tract 8 Cardiovascular System 9 Digestive Tract 10 Hematology 11 Endocrine System 12 Metabolic Disorders 13 Connective Tissue 14 Nephrology and Genitourinary Tract 15 Skeletal System 16 Muscles 17 Skin 18 The Eye 19 Ear, Nose and Throat 20 Allergy 21 Immunology 22 Cancer 23 Accidents and Emergencies 24 Special Problems in the Adolescent 25 Dental Problems



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