出版时间:2002-8 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div 作者:Simpson, Joe Leigh/ Elias, Sherman 页数:484
This is the recognized source for information on the genetic aspects of obstetrics & gynecology as it relates to common gynecologic disorders, gynecologic cancers, and sex differentiation. The text offers a practical review of basic principles of genetics, assuming no prior knowledge. Two of the best-known experts in the field offer a practical review of the basic principles of genetics--as well as the most current advances--that can be immediately applied to obstetric and gynecologic practice. Discusses prenatal diagnosis as well as gynecologic disorders. Offers systemic genetic coverage of reproductive conditions. Assumes no prior knowledge of the subject Offers expanded coverage of prenatal genetic diagnosis. Discusses the hottest topics in the field including new molecular techniques for prenatal genetic diagnosis, new developments in pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, as well as information on fetal cells in maternal blood. Features new coverage of congenital malformations · spontaneous abortion · breast and ovarian cancer · and sex differentiation. Explores the most current advances and their clinical implications.
Table of ContentsⅠGeneral Principles 1 Chromosomal Abnormalities 2 Molecular and Mendelian Genetics 3 Polygenic/Multifactorial Inheritance 4 Genetic History-Taking and Genetic Counseling ⅡClinical Genetics 5 Genetic of Pregnancy Loss 6 Mental Retardation and Multiple Malformation Patterns 7 Pregnancy in Women with Mendelian Disorders 8 Common Gynecologic Disorders 9 Gynecologic Cancer 10 Disorders of Sexual Differentiation: Gonadal Abnormalities and Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism 11 Abnormal Genital Development (Male and Female Pseudohermaphroditism) 12 Sex Chromosomal Polysomies (47,XXXY; 47,XYY; 47,XXX), Sex Reversal (46,XX) Males, and Disorders of the Male Reproductive Ducts ⅢPrenatal Genetic Diagnosis 13 Techniques for Prenatal Diagnosis 14 Prenatal Cytogenetic Diagnosis and Maternal Serum Analyte Screening 15 Prenatal Diagnosis of Mendelian and Neural Defects Disorders 16 Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) 17 Prenatal Diagnosis by Fetal Cells in Maternal Blood ⅣEthics and Legal Issues 18 Ethical and Legal Issues in Reproductive Genetics Index