Our Friends 我们的朋友

出版时间:1987-6  作者:W. Murray,Nicholas Murray 著  页数:51  


Did you know that   just 12 words make up one quarter of all the words we read and write?   or that 100 words make up one half of all printed vocabulary?  It si easier for children to learn to read if they are taught these words first。That’s exactly what the Key Words Reading Scheme does,and why it’s the most successful scheme on the market!



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  •   精美的英文书,适合有一定英语基础的孩子阅读或者家长有辅导与引导能力的孩子阅读。这是本人目前为止,看到的最好的英语童书。物有所值。我买了整个系列.引导孩子用学中文的方法学英文,让英文成为生活语言,而不只是学校的课程。强烈推荐。

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