Graphic Agitation 2: Social and Political Graphics in the Digital Age (精装)

出版时间:2004-7  出版社:Phaidon  作者:Liz McQuiston  页数:240  


Graphic Agitation 2 explores graphic protest in the digital age, in particular over the years since the Gulf War. The book deals with a range of protest imagery from hi-tech and low-tech to no-tech and is comprehensively illustrated with images ranging from lollipop wrappers to websites.


Liz McQuiston was born in America and has been a resident of Great Britain since 1972. Previously head of Graphic Art and Design at the Royal College of Art in London and head of the Postgraduate course in typography at the London College of Printing, she now divides her time between graphic design practice, teaching and writing. She lectures internationally, and her publications include Women in design: A Contemporary View, The Graphic Design Sourcebook, as well as Graphic Agitation and Suffragettes and She-Devils, published by Phaidon.


IntroductionLegacy of the GraphicRevolutionChapter1 The New Global ProtestChapter2 Satire Subversion SubvertisingChapter3 Perceptions of WarChapter4 Fighting for Human RightsNotesSelect Bibliography and Further ReadingIndex




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