精神药理学Core Psychopharmacology

出版时间:1970-1  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Wright LRCP&SI LM MBBCh BAO(NUI) MRCPsych MD, Padraig  页数:260  


  The number and variety of psychiatric drugs is increasing all of the time and this book provides a concise and accessible account of contemporary psychopharmacology. After an overview of basic psychopharmacology the book discusses every class of psychotropic drug and many of the individual drugs with which clinicians must be familiar. A chapter on hot topics in psychopharmacology addresses contemporary issues such as the concern that antidepressants may be associated with suicide.  Commended in the 2007 BMA Medical Book Competition in the category Mental Health, this volume is essential for psychiatrists both qualified and in training general practitioners, clinical psychologists and psychiatric nurses.


PART h BASIC PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1.Introduction to basic psychopharmacology 2.A history of psychopharmacology  ·Introduction  ·Early psychopharmacology  ·Physical treatments before psychopharmacology  ·Contemporary psychopharmacology  ·The future of psychopharmacology  ·References and further reading 3.Neurotransmitters and neuroreceptors  ·Introduction  ·The human brain  ·Neurotransmission  ·Neurotransmitters  ·Neuroreceptors  ·References and further reading 4.Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of  ·psychotropic drugs  ·Introduction  ·Pharmacokinetics  ·Pharmacodynamics  ·Stereoisomerism  ·References and further reading 5.Invention and development of psychotropic drugs  ·Introduction  ·The regulatory approval process  ·Drug invention  ·Preciinical development  ·Clinical development  ·Pharmacovigilance  ·References and further readingPART II:CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 6.Introduction to clinical psychopharmacology  ·Introduction  ·General principles of clinical psychopharmacology  ·Advising patients about psychotropic drugs  ·The placebo effect  ·Special populations of patients  ·References and further reading 7.Psychotropic drugs for children  ·introduction  ·NocturnaF enuresis  ·Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder  ·Autism  ·Sleep disorders  ·Tic disorders  ·Conduct disorders  ·Anxiety  ·Depression  ·Psychosis  ·References and further reading 8.Antipsychotic drugs  9.Antidepressant drugs  10.Antimanic and mood stabilising drugs  11.Anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs  12.Antiepileptic drugs  13.Sexual disorders  14.Alcohol,drug and nicotine misuse  15.Parkinsonism and related disorders  16.Alzheimer's disease and other dementias  17.Electroconvulsive therapy,phototherapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation



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