男性生殖皮肤病学Male Genital Skin Disease

出版时间:2004-8  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Bunker, Christopher B., M.D./ Soter  页数:285  


The book's contents are arranged according to the nature of the clinical problem at hand. Appealing to both the non-specialist and specialist, Male Genital Skin Disease places an emphasis on working up the diagnosis and effective management thereafter. Both common diseases and rarities are comprehensively covered, and the book is illustrated with over 700 full color photographs, representing one of the largest and most diverse collections currently in print.


PrefaceHow to use this bookAcknowledgements  1  Structure, function, normal variation  2  Dermatological diagnosis  3  Pruritus  4  Pigmentary change  5  Hair  6  Red patches and plaques  7  Intertrigo, balanitis and posthitis 8  Erosions, ulcers and blisters  9  Palpable lesions - lumps and bumps 10  Pain and swellingAppendixBibliographyIndex



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