出版时间:2001-3  出版社:Simon & Schuster  作者:Mark Twain  页数:260  


"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (1876) is Mark Twain's most popular book, and its hero is a national icon, celebrated as a distinctively American figure both at home and abroad. Tom Sawyer's bold spirit, winsome smile, and inventive solutions to the problems of everyday life in fictional St Petersburg - whether getting his friends to whitewash a fence for him, or escaping the demands of his vigilant Aunt Polly - have won him the hearts of generations. The very success of the novel has obscured its contradictions and the extent to which the author's response to contemporary cultural developments was a mixed one. "Tom Sawyer" is not only a deft comedy and a powerful celebration of childhood. It also reflects how Mark Twain was in the process of finding his distinctive voice, a voice with which he could express the conflicts he felt about coming of age in America. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.



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