
出版时间:2003-2  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Christina M. Allen  页数:135  


Hippos?   Hyenas?   Baboons?  Have you ever dreamed of visiting the grasslands of Africa, watching zebras, lions, and wildebeest running free? Did you ever want to photograph a rhino up close and personal, or spot elephants showering in the river?  Biologist Christina Allen had big dreams of Africa-and found a way to make those dreams a reality She joined a team of scientists biking along East Africa's Great Rift Valley looking for wildlife. Christina also visited several tribes, witnessing their cultures firsthand!  Always ready to accept challenges and laugh at her mistakes, Christina candidly shares the details of her adventure. Humorous and touching, Hippos in the Night is full of hope for the wildlife-and the people-of Africa.    作者简介:    Christina Allen grew up in Anchorage, Alaska, where her love for animals and the wilderness was nurtured. She studied biology, geology, and environmental science at Occidental College and spent eight months in Brazil learning about the ecology of the Amazon. She earned her master's degree at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Christina then began working on educational expeditions called Quests with Classroom Connect, Inc., an Internet content company. This trip to Africa was her first Quest.


1. How I Got There 2. My First Wild Animal Sighting 3. Lost 4. Tenting in Hippo Territory 5. Camel Rides and Baboon Friends6. Meeting the Hadza Tribe 7. Wild Animal Soup! More About the Animals A Note from the Author




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  •   轻松易读,看作者娓娓道来,宛如听朋友讲故事。适合温习英语的读者。
  •   还以为是图片多多给孩子启蒙的书呢,结果全是英文,整个新概念初级阅本,以后有空再看了

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