Clifford's First Halloween 大红狗的第一个万圣节 9780590503174

出版时间:1995-9  出版社:Scholastic  作者:Norman Bridwell  




  There?’s no denying that kids love Clifford?®. The Big
Red Dog?® has been a favorite since Norman Bridwell created
him over 40 years ago. "I was working as a commercial artist in New
York City. There wasn?’t much work, so I made some sample pictures
and took them to several publishers. They all rejected my work. But
one editor suggested that I try writing a book of my own to
illustrate. I had done a painting of a little girl with a big red
dog. That seemed like a funny idea, so I made up a story about
them. I increased the dog?’s size from as big as a horse to as big
as a house. My wife named the dog Clifford, and we named the little
girl Emily Elizabeth after our daughter. In three days I had
written the story and drawn the pictures for Clifford The Big Red
Dog. When Scholastic called and said they wanted the book, I was
stunned." Bridwell, who grew up in Kokomo, Indiana, lives now on
Martha?’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, with his wife, Norma. For more
information about Norman Bridwell, visit:




    Clifford's First Halloween 大红狗的第一个万圣节 9780590503174 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   不错,给孩子的圣诞礼物!孩子喜欢
  •   配合动画片,很不错的,孩子应该会喜欢。
  •   对我家小朋友来说故事有点简单
  •   很棒的书,内容丰富,好
  •   虽然孩子通过其他书的背面点着该书的图片要的,但真买去了后,没有怎么看

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