What The Dinosaurs Saw: Animals Living Then And Now (level 1) (平装)

出版时间:1998年03月  出版社:Cartwheel (1998年3月1日)  作者:Miriam Schlein  


Gr. 1^-2. Well-composed, precise line drawings brightened with watercolors make this an excellent choice for dinosaur buffs. Kids drawn by the cover will find the book's central idea an original one: many of the animals and plants from dinosaur days are still around today. The text points out some of these creatures within a counting-book framework: "We can see three wiggly worms, same as the dinosaurs saw." This math component seems an artificial device, superimposed on the central idea but adding little to it. Still, children will find this an intriguing addition to the Hello Reader! series.  Carolyn Phelan   

Describes what the world was like when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and introduces many of the animals and plants in nature today that were also seen by the dinosaurs.




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