The Scholastic Dictionary of Spelling 儿童拼写词典

出版时间:2011-1  出版社:Scholastic  作者:本社 编  页数:223  


With more than 600,000 words, English makes
spelling a challenge for the most diligent students. Here's a
handy,alphabetical guide of more than 15,000 words that you can
turn to for an instant spell-check.Author Marvin Terban also helps
guide you through the spelling maze with
a dozen and one rules that help make word
endings more predictable,
more than 150 clever tricks to help you remember
how to spell commonly misspelled words,
and a Misspeller's Dictionary to help you find
that word you don't even know how to look up.
MARVIN TERBAN'S other books include the
Scholastic Guide to Checking Your Grammar and the Scholastic
Dictionary of Idioms.



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