Gossie and Friends Board Book Gift Set 小鹅戈西与她的朋友们礼盒套装

出版时间:2012-3  出版社:Houghton Mifflin  作者:Dunrea, Olivier 绘  页数:全七册(160页)  


Take a romp around the barnyard with Gossie and her friends. This charming set
includes five unabridged chunky board books and two double-sided puzzle tiles that
are just right for the littlest gosling fans. It's all packaged in a beautiful lidded gift box
featuring Dunrea's sweet, seasonal artwork that is a keepsake in and of itself. Fans of
Gossie & Friends will covet this lovely box and the treasures inside


  Olivier Dunrea is the creator of beautiful and well-loved
children's books. A painter and a sculptor, his work centers around
farms, animals, architecture, and folklore. He lives in the tiny
village of Narrowsburg, New York, in the Catskill Mountains.



    Gossie and Friends Board Book Gift Set 小鹅戈西与她的朋友们礼盒套装 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计12条)


  •   书很好,就是开本比较小
  •   拿回家,孩子就急着让我读,看来是喜欢。这种小书也适合小孩
  •   翻看了这套故事书,很不错,故事简单生动,给2岁的女儿读正合适,我相信她一定会喜欢。等这套故事读下来,再看小羊罗素应该更好一些
  •   当当正版全新图书,送货迅速,非常满意
  •   宝宝很喜欢看的,很有帮助.
  •   用了50-10的券,45.5入的。巴掌大,一共5本,厚度1厘米左右,画风很可爱。还未看,性价比算可以了。
  •   特别可爱的纸板,虽然开本不大,但宝宝拿着正好
  •   很好的书,小小的纸板书,很可爱
  •   我妞才22个月,还看不懂,得看着书把内容讲出来~
  •   有5本
  •   小但很精致,是五本不是当当介绍的7本,送人挺好,自用太奢侈了,没必要
  •   这套书倒是不错,也是老师推荐的。不过尺寸与上面写的尺寸完全不符,实际尺寸最多也就是10*10吧,和我老公的手掌心差不错大,我老公说:“就是掌中宝嘛”,不过原版书都很贵,这套书的性价比也算不错了。

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