出版时间:2007-7 出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr 作者:Deibel, Terry L. 页数:435
This is a book on how to think - strategically - about foreign policy. Focusing on the American experience, it defines the national interest as a concept in strategic logic and describes how to select objectives that will take advantage of opportunities to promote interests, while protecting them against threats. It also discusses national power and influence, as well as the political, informational, economic, and military instruments of state power. Based on a graphic framework that models strategic interrelationships, the book is illustrated with numerous examples from recent American statecraft. It ends with an extended critique of current American foreign policy and a detailed outline of an alternative strategy better suited to the problems of the 21st century. 作者简介: Terry L. Deibel holds the Diplome of the Institute of Advanced International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, and a doctorate from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He has served in the International Programs Division of the Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President of the United States, and in the Politico-Military Affairs Bureau of the Department of State. Dr Deibel taught at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, and since 1978 he has been a faculty member, associate dean, and department chairman at the National War College in Washington, D.C., where for many years he directed the teaching of foreign affairs strategy to mid-career foreign service, intelligence, and military officers.
Preface and Acknowledgments 1 Introduction: Defining Strategy What Is Strategy? From Military Strategy to National Security Strategy The Many Meanings of Strategy The Characteristics of Foreign Affairs Strategy 1. Comprehensive 2. Long-Range 3. Means-Sensitive 4. Purposeful 5. Coherent 6. Interactive Thinking about Foreign Affairs StrategyPART I. ASSESS 2 The International Strategic Environment Actors, System, and Structure How the World Works Geopolitics and the Balance of Power Newton, Darwin, and Chaos Interdependence, Globalization, and the Information Revolution Evaluating Globalization Internal Pressures The Role of Ideas Into the Subconscious 3 The Domestic Context for Strategy Americans and Strategy Splits and Shifts in Public Opinion Stability and Structure in Public Opinion Opinion, Parties, and Polarization Strategy Begins at Home The Domestic Context Since 9/1 1 The Role of Contextual AssumptionsPART II. ANALYZE 4 Interests, Threats, and Opportunities Categories of Interest Defining Interests Values and Standards of Judgment Prioritizing Interests Threats, Challenges, and Resistance Interests and Threats Threat-Based versus Opportunity-Based Strategies 5 Power and Influence Power as Control over Resources Latent or Potential Power Actual or Mobilized Power Absolute Power versus Relative Power The Economics of American Power Absolute Wealth and Relative Power Concrete Power versus Perceptual Power Power and Ainelican StrategyPART III. PLAN 6 The Instruments of State Power Political Instruments: Negotiation Political Instruments: International Organization Political Instruments: International Law Political Instruments: Alliances Information Instruments: Public Diplomacy Economic Instruments: Trade and Finance Economic Instruments: Foreign Aid Economic Instruments: Sanctions Military Instruments: Persuasive Use of Force Conclusion: Instrument Priorities 7 Linking Ends and Means Influence Attempts, Impacts, and Success A Spectrum of Generic Strategies Designing a Foreign Affairs Strategy 1. ENDS: Draw up a Preliminary List of Objectives 2. MEANS: Choose Instruments to Accomplish Objectives …… 8 Evaluating Courese of Action 9 Conclusion:American Foreign Sffairs Strategy TdayAPPENDIX A.Definitions of Grand Strategy,National Security Strategy,and StatecraftAPPENDIX B.A Linear Design for Foreign Affairs StrategyIndex
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