出版时间:2007-1 作者:本社 编
Business Benchmark is a brand new Business English course at three levels. It helpsstudents get ahead fast with their Business English vocabulary and skills, and gives them grammar practice in business contexts. It also helps students prepare for the internationally recognised Cambridge ESOI_ BULATS (Business Language Testing Service) Test or BEC exams.
Unit1 Staff development and trainingUnit2 JOb descriptions and job satisfactionUnit3 Letters of enquiry and applicationsUnit4 Telephone skills Unit5 Promotional activities and brandingUnit6 New product developmentUnit7 A stand at a trade fairUnit8 Establishing relationships and negotiatingUnit9 Going it aloneUnit10 Financing the start-upUnit11 Starting up in a new locationUnit12 Presenting your business ideaUnit13 Business hotels and sales conferencesUnit14 Business conferencesUnit15 ReportsUnit16 Business meetingsUnit17 New technologies and changeUnit18 Using the lnternetUnit19 A staff surveyUnit20 Offshoring and outsourcingUnit21 Customer loyaltyUnit22 Communication with customersUnit23 Corresponding with customersUnit24 A business seminarWord listAnswer key