
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:人民出版社  作者:人民出版社 编  页数:80  


Business Benchmark is a brand new Business English course at three levels. It helpsstudents get ahead fast with their Business English vocabulary and skills, and gives them grammar practice in business contexts. It also helps students prepare for the internationally recognised Cambridge ESOI_ BULATS (Business Language Testing Service) Test or BEC exams.


Unit1  Staff development and trainingUnit2  JOb descriptions and job satisfactionUnit3  Letters of enquiry and applicationsUnit4  Telephone skills Unit5  Promotional activities and brandingUnit6  New product developmentUnit7  A stand at a trade fairUnit8  Establishing relationships and negotiatingUnit9  Going it aloneUnit10  Financing the start-upUnit11  Starting up in a new locationUnit12  Presenting your business ideaUnit13  Business hotels and sales conferencesUnit14  Business conferencesUnit15  ReportsUnit16  Business meetingsUnit17  New technologies and changeUnit18  Using the lnternetUnit19  A staff surveyUnit20  Offshoring and outsourcingUnit21  Customer loyaltyUnit22  Communication with customersUnit23  Corresponding with customersUnit24  A business seminarWord listAnswer key



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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   这本书内容很多,二十四课,涵盖了商务英语考试的所有话题。而且还有语法详解,不错的一本书。
  •   非常薄的书,价格好贵,不过一份价格一份货,为了学习还是要买高质量的
  •   这本书对大学生来说不实用,很基础
  •   当当网的销售服务真够可以的!!!我3月21号买的书到现在4月2日还没收到,打电话到客服热线老是座机忙,发的邮件也是石沉大海,真的无法忍受了~~以后再这样我和我的朋友绝对不会在当当网买书了

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
