Handbook of ICU Therapy 重症护理治疗手册

出版时间:2006-2  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  作者:McConachie, Ian 编  页数:439  


Handbook of ICU Therapy provides rapid access to important information on the treatment of the critically ill patient. It comprises a series of ‘cutting edge’ reviews of the most advanced treatment concepts available in the modern ICU. Whilst assuming a basic knowledge of underlying conditions, it nonetheless outlines key physiological principles where necessary, and critically reviews current literature and best practice. The heart of the book is aimed at providing key practical information on treatment techniques to the busy clinician in an easily accessible style. In addition to conventional drug therapy, ventilator, fluid and physical therapies are also discussed in detail. All of the authors are directly involved in ICU research and practice and are familiar with all of the latest developments in this fast-moving field of medicine.


lan MCConachie has been a consultant in anaesthesia and intensive care for over 15 years, prior to this, he lectured extensively in anaesthesia, and he is now a primary examiner for the Royal College of Anaesthetists.


List of contributorsPrefacePart I. Basic Principles  1. Cardiac function, monitoring, oxygen transport   2. Shock   3. Oxygen therapy   4. Central venous access   5. Fluid therapy in ICU   6. Anaemia and blood therapy   7. Nutrition   8. Non-invasive mechanical ventilation   9. Principles of IPPV   10. Modes of ventilation and ventilatory strategies   11. Weaning and tracheostomy   12. Vasoactive drugs   13. Infection and infection control   14. Sedation, analgesia and neuromuscular block   15. Continuous renal replacement therapy   16. Withholding and withdrawing therapyin the ICUPart II. Specific Problems:   17. The surgical patient in the ICU   18. The trauma patient  19. Acute Coronary Syndromes  20. Heart failure   21. Arrhythmias   22. The patient with sepsis  23. Acute renal failure in the critically ill   24. Acute lung injury and ARDS   25. The patient with gastrointestinal problems   26. The comatose patient   27. The critically ill asthmatic  28. The critically ill diabetic  29. The cardiac surgical patient in the ICU   30. Cardiac arrest Index



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