Statics and Kinematics of Granular Materials颗粒物质静力学与动力学

出版时间:2005-9  作者:Nedderman, R.M.  页数:352  


This book outlines the basic science underlying the prediction of stress and velocity distributions in granular materials. The nature of a rigid-plastic material is discussed and a comparison is made between the Coulomb and conical (extended Von Mises) models. The methods of measuring material properties are described and an interpretation of the experimental results is considered in the context of the Critical State Theory. Exercises and solutions are provided that will be particularly useful for the reader.


1. Introduction; 2. The analysis of stress and strain rate; 3. The ideal Coulomb material; 4. Coulomb’s method of wedges; 5. The method of differential slices; 6. Determination of physical properties; 7. Exact stress analysis; 8. Velocity distributions; 9. The conical yield function; 10. The prediction of mass flow rate;Problems;Appendices; Index.




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