出版时间:2005-8 作者:Valenzuela, Raul 页数:312
The purpose of the book is to provide an up-to-date overview of the relevant aspects of ferrites, which cover a wide range of magnetic properties and applications such as high-frequency transformer cores, permanent magnet cements, microwave telecommunication devices, magnetic recording media and heads. The author takes an interdisciplinary approach to describe the structure, preparation techniques, magnetic properties, and applications of iron-based oxides; metallic magnetic materials are also covered in depth.
Preface Symbols 1 Introduction References 2 The crystal structures of magnetic ceramics 2.1 Spinels 2.1.1 The spinel structure 2.1.2 Normal and inverse spinels:cation distribution 2.1.3 Spinel SOlid SOlutions 2.1.4 Distorted spinels,magnetite and maghemite 2.2 Garnets 2.2.1 The garnet structure 2.2.2 Cathm substitutions 2.2.3 Garnet solid SOlutions 2.3 Hexagonal ferrites 2 3.1 Crystal structures 2 3.2 Cathm substitutio?IS 2.4 Microstructure 2.4.1 Thepolycrystalline state References 3 Preparation of magnetic ceramics 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Powder preparation 3.2.1 Coprecipitation 3.2.2 Precursor methods 3.2 3 S01.oel methods 3.2.4 spray-dryin9 3.2.5 Freeze-dryin9 3.2.6 Combustion synthesis 3.2.7 Glass crystalltsation 3.2.8 0ther methods 3.3 Greenbody forming 3.3.1 Compaction 3.3.2 Pressin9 3.3.3 Casting 3.4 Sintering 3.4.1 Solld.state reactions 3.4.2 Densification 3.4.3 Hot press sintering 3.4.4 Microwave sinterin 3.5 Permanent magnet technology 3.6 Preparation of ferrite thin films 3.6.j Liquid phase epaxy 3.6.2 sputtering techniques 3.6.3 0ther methods 3.7 Preparation of ferrite single crystals References 4 Magnetic properties of ferrites 4.1 0rigin of magnetic moments 4.i.1 Electronic structure 4.i.2 Bonding 4.2 Magnetic order 4.2.J Diamagnetism andparamagnetism 4.2.2 Exchange 4.2.3 MoleCUlar,Pld theory 4.2.4 FeHimagnets 4.2.5 Anisotropy and magnetostriction 4.3 Domains and domain walls 4.3.1 Domain structure 4.3.2 Magnetisation processes and hysteresis 4.4 Soft ferrites 4.4.I Initia,permeabillty 4.4.2 Disaccommodation and magnetic annealin9 4.5 Hard ferrites 4.5.1 Magnetisation rotation 4.5.2 The (BH)product 4.6 Magnetisation dynamics 4.6.1 Domain wall dynamics 4.6.2 Ferromagnetie resonance 4.7 Electrical properties 4.8 MagnetoopticaI properties Refefences 5 Applications of ferrites6 Other magnetic materialsIndex